About Us

The most leading edge associations work with the most innovative development groups. That's us. We build the box you need, not the box you must fit into.


From innovative ideas that WoW members, methods to increase your revenue stream, world class behind the scenes website maintenance, to the best Scientfic Abstract Systems on the Planet, you've reached the destination to help your Association or AMC move a notch up.

Mind Blowing ideas for your Professional Association.

Our team works closely with your team and leading edge associations, centered in Healthcare and Research Science. With decades of experience in a wide range of fields, and uber-expertise in association systems, you've landed with a group that can help.



CaduceusWebs is a new and fresh company with decades of history. We innovate CONSTANTLY, bring new ideas and latest techniques to our association clients. We work within client budgets, but do not compromise on vital programming quality and techniques. Your perfect balance of ideas and cost is our goal. Talk to us, it won't hurt, and we may just have some really great ideas.


Professional healthcare associations, scientific research societies, international & regional conferences, and all of the systems that these groups need make up our client base. We have worked with or contributed to over 300+ healthcare and scientific associations in 15 years of solid, ethical history. We attend board meetings, contribute on conference calls, hold webinars, we want to be involved in helping your organization, society, association, or conference be successful. Talk to us.


  • Stephen B Smith
    operations director
    Born: January 7th 1972, Kansas City, MO
    Studies: Vanderbilt University, Wash U School of Med, LSU Coll of Business
    Duties: Global Operations Head, Client Relations
    Stephen leads our team with 15 years of expertise in association management and web design. Having travelled the world assisting associations across the healthcare and science spectrum, his leasdership provides solid advice to many clients, small and large. Married with three children, he relishes working with highly educated, high demand clients, with forward-leaning attitudes.
  • Alex Gatewood
    Senior Technician
    Born: September 18th 1968, Los Angeles CA
    Studies: McGill University, CA
    Skills: Abstract System Management
  • Jenny Modica
    Graphic Designer
    Born: October 15 1979, San Francisco, CA
    Studies: UCLA, CA
    Skills: Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks
What is CaduceusWebs?

CaduceusWebs is a group of health care providers and research scientists, which came together to form an IT company in 1998. We find that our science education and clinical experience helps us communicate and facilitate the move of many health care societies and scientific associations onto the Information Highway.

What is CaduceusWebs expertise?

Professional Associations, healthcare and science-based primarily, website maintenance, social networking, and the BEST scientific abstract management systems on the planet!

What do the CaduceusWebs employees do?

We work tightly with professional associations and Association Management Companies to strategize, plan, and execute world wide web based projects. From social networking to member joining initiatives, to annual conferences, we help you staff and your AMC shine.

What are your fees?

We have two basic fee types, Project-based and Managed Care Contracts. Project based contracts are for a defined set of functions and time. Our more popular contracts are our Managed Care Contracts. With this fee arrangement, we agree on an annual fee, and do whatever work you need during that period. CaduceusWebs operates very similar to the AMC business model. We combine lower fees for a series of professional associations together, to deliver service and systems that each could not afford separately. This allows you to contract for world class I.T. staff, for a fraction of the cost. It's a model that works really well.


  • Looks good - thanks for your persistence. I appreciate the stellar technical support.

    Niraj J. Gusani, MD AHPBA Social Network Director
  • Thank you for making it so easy to read about the candidates and to vote. Your Online Voting process was efficient and easy.

    Dr. Larry Nosse Wisconsin Physical Therapy Assn
  • You have done a GREAT job creating a much easier and more fluid process-it was a piece of cake!

    Dr. Loraine Lovejoy-Evans Oncology Section APTA webmaster
  • You have been a great asset to me and the organization for many years.

    Kim O'Dell, CME FADRA Executive Director
  • Above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you so much for your efforts, it is greatly appreciated

    Nonie Lowry Director of Association Management
  • This look amazing! I love how you did this.

    Sarah Cohen AAST Abstract Manager
  • Thank you so VERY much! I knew you were the team who could do it!

    Phil Pyster, CAE Crow Segal Management